Why us?

We take the most pride in ensuring all trees on our land is organically grown & carefully handpicked by our experienced farmers.

Tradition & sustainability is our core belief. Ethically made, suited to meet our customers wants & needs.

We understand how important it is to find authentic & genuine natural products that ticks all the boxes. So, it was only right we stayed true to our ethics by ensuring all our products are traditionally made to the highest quality.

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Mild skin concerns?

Above, Niecey shares her experiences dealing with Eczema & how making one small change to her skin care routine, helped to play a major role in helping to clear her battles with Eczema well as improving the quality to her sensitive skin.

Battling with all types of skin conditions can be draining to say the least. The constant visits to the Drs, bouncing from cream, lotion to ointment can take a toll on you mentally & physically, Especially if the products the products involved dont work.

In most cases skin conditions usually show on areas that are visible, which means, taking a hit on your confidence. Liquid Gold JBCO will not only help boost your confidence, but also; soothe, heal, cleanse, neutralise and aid to cover other areas unrelated to your skin, whether its skin, nails or hair.

  • Scars

    Deep scars can be terrifying, especially when they leave dark marks that seem like they wont fade. We say... wait for the cut to heal & apply our Liquid Gold JBCO consistently twice a day.

  • Keloids

    We're not claiming to cure keloid skin, but our customers have told us that washing with our African Black Soap and applying our Liquid Gold JBCO works in harmony together to bring down scars.

  • Acne

    Finding the right balance & be conscious of the ingredient. Our African Black Soap is made from Cocoa Pods, Shea Butter, Tamarind extract and Plantain peel & has been used in parts of Africa for centuries to treat; eczema, acne, oily skin, psoriasis and other skin ailments, which helps to neutralise the skin

  • Laser Burns

    Consistency is key! its easy to give up when you want to see instant change. To see results, we suggest using our products twice a day for 28 days to see a real change. Commitment and faith will provail.

Try Liquid Gold JBCO on your hair

can also be used on children

Meet Rivah

Rivah is Melanin Made's 1st baby (literally!) she has been using Liquid Gold, since the age of 1 year old.

After struggling with severe burns, due to a product which was prescribed for her cradle cap, I opted to go the only route i ultimately knew best... the natural way.

For generations JBCO has been a staple piece in a lot of Caribbean households, due to the magical healing & strengthening properties it does for the scalp and hair, i remember using it on myself for my postpartum hair loss with little Rivah.

Rivah is alot older now and she is so used to having Liquid Gold JBCO be apart of her routine on sundays. She says & i quote " I love how its made my hair so thick and long"

  • Eyebrows

    For easy application, use our 10ml rollerball bottle and gently massage Liquid Gold JBCO into your problem areas

  • Postpartum hairloss

    Use our 100ml bottle to help grow and thicken your edges. Please do bare in mind, Liquid Gold wont tackle damaged follicles due to pulling

  • Nape

    If you have a large family, opt for our 500ml family bottle, which will last you forever and a day. Having this bottle, will help with larger surface areas

Maintain your lashes

Why our Jamaican Black Castor Oil?

The history

The passion

Its no secret that Jamaican black castor oil dates back many generations, i'm not here to say that i’ve invented the wheel or anything. My Love for JBCO stems from the passion my elders had and still have for this miracle oil, a staple go to oil that has helped to; heal, relieve and nurture the many Jamaican households.



For myself and possibly many other Jamaican households, Castor Oil was usually found in my Nanny’s every growing medicine cabinet, which stocked; ointments, oils and creams, all fit for a Queen and her kingdom.

Although Jamaican Black Castor Oil at the time, wasn't seen as a luxury oil on the market, there’s know denial that JBCO remains the forefront of our elders. Its the staple for: thickening hair, “giving the body a quick flush out” or easing menstrual cramps.

Interestingly enough, a lot of beauty products contain Castor Oil, if you were to look at a hand lotion for example, you may find it’s scientific name “Ricinus Communis” on the product label.

The beauty

A legacy

The reason why Castor Oil is heavily used in many beauty products, is simply down to its healing benefits that a lot of people are unaware of.

Hair growth is one of the most popular factors, but did you know that its also amazing for;

  • treating arthritis
  • fading hyerpigmentation
  • healing skin conditions like eczema, psoriasis and mild rashes
  • dark under eyes & crows feet
  • softening calusses
  • and fading stretch marks

and this is because Jamaican Black Castor Oil has Omega 3-6 fatty acids, anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory properties.

Need advice? Contact us